
Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese is one of the fast growing tropical pines in the world. It has an important role in daily needs of tribes of Anjaw district of Arunachal Pradesh. The present study on axial variation in wood density was conducted on straight trees of P. merkusii collected from Anjaw district of Arunachal Pradesh. The cross-sectional discs were taken at breast-height and at regular intervals of 3m from breast-height to top of trees. The main aim of present investigation was to determine wood density variations from base to the top of trees and to see the relationship between height and wood density. A gradual decrease in wood density variation was observed from bottom to top in both vertical and oblique sequences in all selected trees. In vertical sequence, relationship between wood density and height was significantly negative and weak while it was too weak to be significant in oblique sequence. There was a significant and positive relationship between breast-height and total tree wood density. It can be concluded that breast-height is the most suitable and good indicator of total tree value of wood density for tree to tree comparison.

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