
The power conversion unit of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) could be a closed Brayton cycle power plant with helium as the working fluid. The helium compressor is the main component of such a power conversion unit, and its performance has significant effects on the power output and cycle efficiency. However, helium is difficult to compress owing to its thermo-physical properties, making the helium compressor design challenging. This paper provides a review of the studies and applications of helium compressors. The background of the helium compressor is introduced, the theoretical studies on helium compressors are reviewed and the development of the helium compressor is discussed. Based on the review, the helium compressor future challenges and potential breakthroughs in different aspects are highlighted. The results show that helium compressor development requires a special design technique which takes the thermo-physical properties of helium into consideration and advanced technologies suitable for helium compressor should focus on development.

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