
Background;Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patient and their families facing the problem associated with a life limiting and relief of suffering by mean of early identification and assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, Education and training in palliative care influences not only the level of care provided but also the level of team participation of the healthcare professionals. Objective:To assess awareness about palliative care among physical therapy student of Isra University Hyderabad. Study Design And Methods:It was cross sectional type of descriptive study that was conducted in physical therapy students of Isra institute of rehabilitation sciences, Isra University Hyderabad. Data has obtained from questionnaire. it contain 3 section A,B,C and having total 25 question from all portion to determined the palliative care among physical therapy students of Isra University Hyderabad. Result:Out of total 50 It was found that 80% strongly agreed that palliative care is important as curative care in physiotherapy, 16% disagreed and only 2% somewhat agreed. 70% student of physiotherapy agreed that palliative care should be included in course content of physiotherapy education, 16% somewhat agreed, 8% neutral on that and remaining 6% . Along with it 46% strongly agreed that palliative care had supportive role in our society, 18% somewhat agreed, 14% were neutral and 22% disagreed. By comparison 28% strongly agreed curative care more important than palliative care and 34% strongly disagree. Conclusion:This study demonstrates widespread of understanding among Doctor of physical therapy undergraduate students of Isra University Hyderabad about palliative care. I. Introduction Background Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patient and their families facing the problem associated with a life limiting and relief of suffering by mean of early identification and assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical ,psychological and spiritual (WHO).Palliative care involves an integrated multidisciplinary collaborative teamwork of patients, their families, health professionals and general public toward a continuum of care emphasizing on physical, mental, social, spiritual and emotional aspects of care for life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. Education and training in palliative care influences not only

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