
In this survey, I came to know that the development of area or city leads to the growth of E-waste, but the percentage of the public who are aware of E-waste is not growing up to the mark. The technical solutions, segregation process, preventive methods, skilled labors working on E-waste, modern technology adopted for disposal are very less in growing cities when compare to the metropolitan cities. I came to know about the urgency of creating awareness to every person using electronic gadgets about E-waste and its ill-effects on the human race. Segregation of metals and components while disposing of the E-waste also causes ill effects for the workers involved in that, as facilities like gloves, caps, masks are not available in poor countries. Dumping of E-waste into seas or in barren islands leads to water pollution, affecting aquatic and marine life. As most of Chennai is a coastal area, many small and medium industries and household E-wastes are releasing into the seas easily. The survey conducted in Chennai city reveals the immediate reaction to the proper disposal of E-waste.

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