
Mosquitoes are the utmost common disease vectors worldwide. Newly in India mosquito borne diseases have revealed as a big threat to public health specially disease like Dengue, Malaria and Chikungunya. Puducherry is said to be endemic zone for malarial spreading and other such kinds of diseases. Anopheles, Aedes and Culex are commonly seen in Puducherry. Therefore, considerable effects are taken to create the awareness against such kinds of insect- borne particularly, on mosquito bites made together for local citizens. The present study aimed to spread such kind of awareness and related practices on disposing mosquitoes’ supporting places, their eggs for maximum prevention in Puducherry rural areas. A pilot study was conducted among the small group of people and based on it, the study questioner was prepared. The objective of the survey was to study the awareness, attributes and practices about mosquito borne diseases in urban areas and it explore various myths about mosquito borne diseases.

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