
According to World Health Organisation, healthcare workers are four times more prone to injuries due toworkplace violence compared to other professions. An ongoing study by the Indian Medical Associationinferred that about 75% of doctors have faced violence at work, where many of the cases were reported fromEmergency wards and Intensive Care Units and the patient’s relatives were the prime offenders. Poor doctorpatient communication and weak conflict resolution skills are some of the preventable reasons for violenceon doctors. A questionnaire-based study was conducted on MBBS students to assess the effects of violenceon doctors and their level of preparedness in dealing with violent situations. Majority of the students werenot taught precautionary measures or methods of managing conflicts and thus are not properly equipped intackling workplace violence. By improving their manner of conduct towards the patients in likely incidentsof violence and training them in managing conflicts, such acts shall be curbed effectively

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