
This article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the study of psychological factors of the awareness of guilt by juvenile criminals. The concept of guilt, its psychological meaning and conscious-willed behavior as a sign of a person's sanity are analyzed. The main sign of a person's sanity is the ability to consciously and voluntarily behave, which consists in the ability of a person to be fully aware of the actual nature of his actions (inaction) and to control them. An integral criterion of conscious-volitional behavior is considered to be «socially oriented management of behavior in a choice situation». It means the ability and opportunity: to approach the choice of goals and means of action, being aware of oneself as a member of society, that is, taking into account their consequences for others; to be aware of the cause-and-effect dependencies of the chosen behavior option; to be aware of this variant of behavior as a special case of a certain type and class of phenomena, using at the same time socially oriented evaluations; use the mechanism of criticality in the course of choosing a behavior option; make a decision about the appropriate option of behavior, while maintaining control over it. The problem of the capacity for conscious-willed behavior of minors is studied, the features of resocialization of juvenile criminals are revealed. The processes of correction and resocialization of convicted minors, as well as the peculiarities of educational work with conditionally sentenced minors, are analyzed. Resocialization is understood as an organized social-psychological-pedagogical process of restoring social status, lost or unformed social skills in convicts, reorientation of their social attitudes and referent orientations due to inclusion in new positively oriented relationships. The effectiveness of the resocialization of juvenile criminals depends on the use of a comprehensive approach, combining the efforts of the subjects of the resocialization process at all levels of management.

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