
The Island Province of Catanduanes is prone to all types of natural hazards that includes torrential and heavy rains, strong winds and surge, flooding and landslide or slope failures as a result of its geographical location and topography. RA 10121 mandates local DRRM bodies to “encourage community, specifically the youth, participation in disaster risk reduction and management activities, such as organizing quick response groups, particularly in identified disaster-prone areas, as well as the inclusion of disaster risk reduction and management programs as part of youth programs and projects. The study aims to determine the awareness to disaster of the student of the Catanduanes State University. The disaster-based questionnaire was prepared and distributed among 636 students selected randomly from different Colleges and Laboratory Schools in the University The Catanduanes State University students understood some disaster-related concepts and ideas, but uncertain on issues on preparedness, adaptation, and awareness on the risks inflicted by these natural hazards. Low perception on disaster risks are evidently observed among students. The responses of the students could be based on the efficiency and impact of the integration of DRR education in the senior high school curriculum. Specifically, integration of the concepts about the hazards, hazard maps, disaster preparedness, awareness, mitigation, prevention, adaptation, and resiliency in the science curriculum possibly affect the knowledge and understanding of students on DRR. Preparedness drills and other forms of capacity building must be done to improve awareness of the student towards DRRM. The study further recommends that teachers and instructor must also be capacitated in handling disaster as they are the prime movers in the implementation of the DRRM in education. Preparedness drills and other forms of capacity building must be done to improve awareness of the student towards DRRM. Core subjects in Earth Sciences must be reinforced with geologic hazards. Learning competencies must also be focused on hazard identification and mapping, and coping with different geologic disaster.

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