
This descriptive quantitative research is about students’ awareness and use of the Bulacan State University handbook. The survey method is utilized to collect data from different colleges using random sampling. Results show that 76.4% are aware of the student handbook availability at Bulacan State University. Regarding the students’ handbook content, awareness of academic regulations recorded the highest percentage of 68.5%, and awareness of the policies and guidelines in educational field trips, and understanding of the institutional services (17.5%) being the least. The challenges encountered by the respondents are: prone to losing (37.2%), difficulties in bringing (32.6%), not interacting (27.9%), and boring (12.8%). Two additional challenges were revealed: (1) Never experienced having student handbook; heard its content through Freshmen Orientation and recitation in previous courses only, and (2) Getting drown by the unexpected flood. Simultaneously, other respondents did not respond to the students’ handbook challenges because they did not see said handbook's content. 40% of respondents are prepared to use a student handbook mobile application. With these results, it can safely be concluded that there is an immediate need for a BulSU student e-handbook mobile application. It is highly recommended to educate more students and parents about the institutions' different policies and services.

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