
This study determined the awareness and strategies of implementation of the law on intellectual property rights in the state universities and colleges in Western Visayas. Universities and Colleges are eliciting and harnessing the talents of the faculty, staff, students and alumni in advancing their respective academic missions, specifically in the area of research. Through the years many universities and colleges has maximized the use of its resources in creating products, and processes which are novel in nature. These are either derivatives or products of improvements, of inventions to benefit instruction which gain practical use in the society. The awareness of the possible infringement of the privileges due to the rightful owner of a copyright work, invention and innovation, the idea of protecting their rights demands. The use of intellectual property bears a social function. To this end, the State shall promote the diffusion of knowledge and information for the promotion of national development and progress and for the common good. It is in this perspective, that the researcher works to determine the extent by which Universities and Colleges of Western Visayas implement programs on Intellectual Property Rights, it relation to the overall performance of an educational institution. The respondents of this study are the deans, department heads and the faculty of the four members of the stateuniversities and college in Western Visayas specifically located in the city and province of Iloilo. A universal and purposive sampling was adopted in this study. The deans and department heads were the universal sample, while the faculty are purposive samples and represent the ten percent of the whole faculty populace having apermanent status. In the level of awareness on the provisions of the law on intellectual property rights existing in institutions, the result showed that the weighted mean was 2.318 which means that the respondent were less aware of the provision of the intellectual property rights. In the level of implementation of strategies of the law on intellectual property rights being practiced in institutions showed that the weighted mean was 1.812 which means that the respondent have observed to the least extent in the implementation of strategies of the law on intellectual property rights. In the problems encountered with their degree of seriousness in connection with the enforcement of the intellectual property rights law the result showed that the over-all weighted mean was 1.39 which means that the respondent have not seriously encountered problems with the enforcement of the intellectual property rights in their institution due to unpracticed of the law. In terms of the significant variance in the use of strategies for the enforcement of the law on intellectual property rights in the four state institutions in Western Visayas the result showed that Sig. value was 0.000 which is less than the Alpha level at 0.05 therefore the variance in the use of strategies in the implementation of intellectual property rights law in four state institutions in Western Visayas was significant and the null hypothesis was rejected.

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