
Lack of public knowledge of palliative care may be a barrier to timely use of palliative care and hinder engagement in advance care planning (ACP). Little research has been conducted on (the relationship between) awareness and actual knowledge of palliative care. To determine awareness and actual knowledge of palliative care and explore factors that contribute to knowledge of palliative care among older people. A cross-sectional study in a representative sample of 1242 Dutch people (≥ 65 years; response 93.2%) on whether they had heard of palliative care and knowledge statements about palliative care. The majority had heard of the term palliative care (90.1%), and 47.1% reported to know (quite) exactly what it means. Most knew palliative care is not only for people with cancer (73.9%) and is not only provided in hospice facilities (60.6%). A minority knew palliative care can be provided alongside life-prolonging treatment (29.8%) and is not only for people who have a few weeks left to live (23.5%). Experience with palliative care through family, friends and/or acquaintances (range ORs: 1.35-3.39 for the four statements), higher education (ORs: 2.09-4.81), being female (ORs: 1.56-1.91), and higher income (OR: 1.93) were positively associated with one or more statements, while increasing age (ORs: 0.52-0.66) was negatively associated. Knowledge of palliative care is limited, stressing the need for population-wide interventions, including information meetings. Attention should be paid to timely attention for palliative care needs. This might stimulate ACP and raise public knowledge of (im) possibilities of palliative care.

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