
The lack of knowledge of the mother tongue and the foreign language as well as the lack of mastery on the subject to be treated can generate a disorder in the exercise of translation, producing an unsatisfactory result. It is necessary, therefore, that the translator is familiar with the lexicon and all the properties of the respective languages in order to satisfactorily develop the translation work. In view of this, this article aims to make translation professionals aware of the need for knowledge of both the mother tongue and the foreign language with regard to the lexicon, sociocultural aspect, grammar, spelling, semantics, as linguistic aspects that correctly interconnected contribute to cohesion and textual coherence as a final product for a perfect result of the work so that all its content is intelligible. The lack of this commitment to the correction of the languages in question implies negligence that does not correspond to the seriousness with which the translation work should be developed. If, perhaps, there is a lack of sufficient training or information, the awareness of professional responsibility must be manifested in order to provide all the necessary knowledge that is in line with the translation practice. In order to achieve this awareness objective, a qualitative bibliographic research will be carried out based on the questions related to the errors of the translation about “how” they occur and “where” they come from, as to topics of great relevance that will be focused through examples of linguistic rules, illustrations of common errors and appropriate corrections for better understanding of what is intended to be emphasized. As a result, it will be possible to recognize the measures necessary to achieve a reliable translation under the topics of relevance in the translation process as a relevant vocabulary, adaptation between languages, textual revision, which at the end produce a good quality text that presents a syntactic and semantic relational balance capable of clearly communicating its message.

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