
Obesity as a condition in which excessive accumulation of fat in the adipose tissues has taken place. It arises when the intake of food is in excess of physiological needs. Obesity now considered as a “killer lifestyle” disease is an important cause of preventable death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 1.2 billion people worldwide are officially classified as, overweight. This is probably the most sedentary generation of people in the history of the world. To assess Awareness about obesity among the mother of young child in urban area of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Cross sectional research with 105 participants among the target population of this study were mothers enthusiastically grace with presence in Dhaka City of Bangladesh. Data were numerically coded and captured in Excel 2007, using an SPSS 22.0 version. The study found that mean age of the participant was 3.70 (1.365) years and most of the participants were above 4 years. The youngest participants in this study were 1 year old and oldest participants were 5 years old. Obesity may induce the Musculo-skeletal problem obesity showed that strongly Agree participants were highest rate that was 51.4% (n=54) and strongly agree participants were rate that was 48.6% (n=51). Overall, parents showed a good awareness on nutrition and obesity. Unfortunately, such a good awareness was found insufficient to make them recognize the overweight problem in their children. There is a need for the improvement of the methods and content of nutritional educational packages as well as efforts to improve parents’ recognition of their child weight status.

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