
The ASCE EWRI Environmental Multi-Media Council ~EMMC! Awards Committee each year ~1! reviews papers in the Journal of Environmental Engineering and the Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management to make recommendations for three EWRI Awards ~Hering Medal, Horner Award, Greeley Award! and five Society awards ~Norman Medal, Croes Medal, Wellington Prize, Collingwood Prize, and ASCE State-of-the-Art Award!; ~2! makes recommendations for the Huber Research Prize, based on submitted nominations; and ~3! makes a recommendation for the Freese Award and Lecture. While ASCE has numerous awards for published papers related to environmental engineering, there are few awards to recognize different kinds of professional achievement. In Spring 2001, the EMMC Awards Committee proposed and received approval for three new, broader-scope awards. Award for Achievement in Environmental Engineering Education—to honor an individual who has made outstanding contributions to environmental engineering education, both at the individual’s home institution and more broadly.

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