
This article evaluates the changes in security as a part of European integration and Turkey's respective position. The article initially analyzes the changes in the concept of securiry and then discusses security scenarios on European Security. The final part examines Turkey's position vis-a-vis those new developments and new approaches. In this sense, EU-Turkey relations are taken into consideration within the perspective of NATO, Western European Union ond European Security and Defence Policy. To conclude, both for having a strategic role in solving problems such as global terrorism, illegal trafficking of persons, arms and drugs or money laundering operations, and for being geographically close to significant energy fields such as the Middle East or the Central Asia, this article argues that Turkey has still been an important element of European Security prospects. Keywords: EU, Security and Turkey, NATO, Western European Union, European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

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