
International terrorism has entered the agenda of the whole world after 9/11, and this agenda has been intensively addressed in the EU. However, the EU's outlook on international terrorism based on much earlier ones. However, the seriousness and magnitude of the problem arose with the attacks of Madrid and London for the EU. After these attacks, the EU felt the need to create a strategy to combat terrorism, and an action plan was put forward in 2005. However, a new wave of terrorism has emerged with the Syrian crisis, and the success of this action plan in 2005 has begun to be debated. The EU has been subjected to intense terrorist attacks since 2014 and has been caught unprepared against the methods of terrorism that are unusual. In this respect, the EU, its close neighbor as a source of terrorism, is both a target of illegal immigration and international terrorism and perceives a significant threat. The EU's struggle against terrorism also constitutes a significant economic activity within itself. In this context, this study consists of 3 parts and aims to demonstrate the European Union's strategies for combating terrorism and its success.

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