
Road accident is a global issue of concern and like many other countries in the world Bangladesh also suffers greatly due to road accidents every year. Our goal was to provide a complete & accurate accident information source available to general mass. In our software, we have tried to incorporate a complete picture of accident rate & accident trend. We have included a way to explore every possible source for collecting accident data in our software. Anyone can provide information regarding an accident which includes hospitals attending accident victims, print or electronic media even simple spectators. Our software introduces an Internet-based, GIS-compatible software process for automated road accident analysis & visualization. This site is capable of performing accident information query, trend analysis, statistical analysis, color-coded mapping, and other accident information display within the web-based environment. The Internet-accessible user interface allows users to inquire about detailed information on vehicle crashes associated with road segments and intersections for any geographical regions in Bangladesh via query forms or zoom-enabled interactive maps. In our program we have generated automated visualizations of accident rate & factors of accidents in formats of charts, table & maps. Visualization of traffic accidents by collision type & road class based on real data is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of our software.

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