
Lucien Kupferman, Avoir et la prédication seconde It is shown that the two realizations of the French Verb avoir, so-called Predicative avoir, avoir v and so-called Possessive avoir, avoir г are both predicates, in fact two-places predicates, and not some forms of copulas. The difference between them is to be located on the level of the internal argument : for the first one it is categorized as a small-clause (SC),,and then we observe a secondary predication-like configuration, and for the second one - a DP. From here derives a différenciation regarding the reading of the predicate. Avoir is existential and assignats to its internal argument a prototypically eventive propositional content. Avoir г denotes a property state and may, with some restrictions which are summarized and explained, have a posséder paraphrazing. There is also an argument for strengthing the SC categorizing of the internal argument of the predicate avoir r

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