
© Zoo Outreach Organisation; www.zoosprint.org Manuscript 1277; Received 23 October 2004; Revised received 11 November 2005; Finally accepted 06 March 2006; Date of publication 21 March 2006 2217 April 2006 | ISSN 0973-2535 (Print edition); 0973-2551 (Online edition) ABSTRACT Diversified wetland agro-ecosystems of Maidan areas of Karnataka have provided congenial habitats for the survival of 27 species of water birds belonging to 13 families. The relative composition of aquatic bird species and their density varied significantly. Further, the Ardeidae members dominated and were common in all habitats. Interestingly, the area was found congenial for certain resident migrants viz., Painted Stork (Mycteria lencepahala), Black Ibis (Pseudibis papillosa) and Oriental White Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus), which were recorded every winter. The study showed that, the varied composition of water birds associated with the wetland agro-ecosystem is for sharing common habitat for different purposes. It is hoped that this study would provide a preliminary database for the avifauna of this area, for further research.

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