
Navassa Island and waters surrounding it were designated a National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in 1999, becoming the eighth unit of the Caribbean Islands NWR Complex. Five expeditions to the island between July 1998 and October 2006 yielded 18 new records of birds, bringing the species list to 58. Winter mist netting allowed for the banding of several new species. Five seabird species roost and nest on Navassa Island including hundreds and thousands of magnificent frigate birds, Fregata magnificens, and red-footed boobies, Sula sula, respectively. Several grassland-associated bird species are now common, suggesting that this habitat has become more dominant during the last century. Habitat disturbance appears to primarily be the result of human caused fires. Future management efforts will focus on regulation of unauthorized hunting, fishing, and other public use, as well as control of nonnative invasive species and restoration of subtropical dry forest.

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