
Many anxiety disorders can be characterized by abnormalities in detecting and learning about threats, and the inability to reduce fear responses in non-threatening environments. PTSD may be the most representative of context processing pathology, as intrusive memories are experienced in “safe” contexts. The ventral subiculum (vSUB), the main output of the ventral hippocampus, encodes environmental cues and is critical for context processing. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) contributes to anxiety-like behaviors as well as context fear conditioning. Given the important roles of the BNST and the vSUB in these anxiety and fear-related behaviors, and the anatomical connections between the two brain regions, the major aims of this study were to characterize the anatomy and function of the vSUB–BNST pathway. First, using the retrograde tracer cholera toxin, we mapped the topographical arrangement of the vSUB–BNST pathway. Dual retrograde tracing experiments revealed neurons projecting to the BNST and those projecting to the basolateral amygdala are distinct populations. Second, we assessed whether activity in this pathway, as indexed by FOS immunohistochemistry, was modulated by context fear conditioning. Our data reveal less activation of the vSUB–BNST pathway in both males and females in aversive contexts and the greatest activation when animals explored a neutral familiar context. In addition, the vSUB of females contained fewer GABAergic neurons compared to males. These findings suggest that the vSUB–BNST pathway is involved in eliciting appropriate responses to contexts.

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