
The research on the localities of <i>Avena strigosa</i> and on its increased occurrence in agricultural crops of the Podlaski Przełom Bugu was carried out in 1994-1998. The documentation of this research consists of 600 phytosociological relevés and the floristic records. The paper presents the composition and structure of the field plant communities where <i>Avena strigosa</i> was found. It occurs frequently on various soil types of the Podlaski Przełom Bugu. However, on the area examined it was found just in small numbers, covering up to 5% of the area, while in the eastern part of the area an increase in its occurrence was observed. In the area of the Podlaski Przełom Bugu <i>Avena strigosa</i> occurred in spring cereals in the communities of <i>Arnoserido</i>-<i>Scleranthetum</i> and <i>Vicietum tetraspermae</i> as well as in the poor field communities, with the character species of <i>Aperion spicae</i>-<i>venti</i> and <i>Panico</i>-<i>Setarion</i>. Additionally, <i>Avena strigosa</i> was also found in the field communities of root crops belonging to <i>Panico</i>-<i>Setarion</i> alliance; however, it was present there just in small numbers.


  • The documentation of this research consists of 600 phytosociological relevés and the floristic records

  • In the area of the Podlaski Prze3om Bugu Avena strigosa occurred in spring cereals in the communities of Arnoserido-Scleranthetum and Vicietum tetraspermae as well as in the poor field communities, with the character species of Aperion spicae-venti and Panico-Setarion

  • Avena strigosa was found in the field communities of root crops belonging to Panico-Setarion alliance; it was present there just in small numbers

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Podlaski Prze3om Bugu le¿y na styku województw: mazowieckiego, podlaskiego i lubelskiego. W podziale geobotanicznym Polski (SzaferiPaw 3 owski , 1977) znajduje siê w Dziale Ba3tyckim, w Pasie Wielkich Dolin i Krainie Podlaskiej. Jest to obszar rolniczy o powierzchni 670 km, o wyj1tkowych walorach przyrodniczych i krajobrazowych. Gospodarstwa tego terenu s1 silnie rozdrobnione (najwiêcej jest gospodarstw ma3ych o powierzchni do 5 ha, gospodarstw du¿ych, powy¿ej 50 ha jest tylko 8) i prowadzone metodami tradycyjnymi. Podlaski Prze3om Bugu zgodnie z podzia3em Wo s i a (1999) nale¿y do Regionu Podlasko-Poleskiego. Jest to obszar o niewielkich opadach, œrednia za wielolecie wynosi3a 478 mm, a w okresie badañ by3a wy¿sza i wynosi3a 546 mm. Œrednia roczna temperatura za wielolecie, jak równie¿ w okresie prowadzenia badañ wynosi3a oko3o 8oC. Okres wegetacyjny na badanym terenie rozpoczyna siê od pierwszej dekady kwietnia i trwa do koñca paŸdziernika, œrednio 208 dni

Związek Alliance
Medicago lupulina
Anchusa arvensis
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