
Avena sterilis is an important grassy weed that causes a problem in wheat cultivation areas, and intensive herbicides are used to control it. Genetic diversity study is important to have information how on the effect weed species of the environmental factors and herbicides. The high level of genetic diversity within the species is a guarantee for adaptation to changing environmental conditions. This study was conducted based on complaints of the loss of effectiveness during the chemical control. Analyses were carried out on 27 selected populations collected from wheat cultivation areas in Turkey's Middle Black Sea region. Seventy-seven alleles from microsatellite loci were detected, and the average number of alleles per locus was determined as five using 17 microsatellite primers. The average gene diversity (GD) and polymorphism information content (PIC) values were 0.894 and 0.732, respectively. According to the UPGMA dendrogram generated using Average Linkage, the populations were clustered into two main groups. A high degree of diversity was found among the studied steril oat genotypes, and it is seen that there is no geographical isolation. It is understood that this situation primarily provides adaptation to those geographical areas by transporting weed seeds from other provinces in various ways. According to these findings, issues such as crop rotation, cultural control methods, encouraging the use of certified seeds, and the use of herbicides with different mechanisms of action can be listed among the measures that can be taken to control the high genetic diversity, which is an indicator of herbicide resistance.

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