
Introduction: The aging brings obtains diverse physiological changes that they cause the comprometimento of the performance of the normal functions of the individual. The sedentarismo is one of the main factors of risk for the chronic-degenerative illnesses, in special those that acometem the breath and the bones. For physical activities in general, the dehydration can influence negative in the performance of the individual that practises physical activity without the due hidrica replacement, being aged a group of risk. Objectives: To calculate the tax of sudorese of the practicing sportsmen of the Hidro-Combat modality, being related the hidrica reduction of the percentage of weight with the subjective perception of effort in order to relate the possible risks happened of this practical. Methodology: They had participated to 13 individuals of both the sexos. For calculation of the tax of sudorese and perception of effort, the participants had been weighed before and after the trainings, and also they had answered to the scale of Borg. Results: The average tax of sudorese was of 2,4 + 2.1 mL/min. How much to the perception of initial effort, on average it was classified as “light” perception; no longer final it was classified in “a little intense”. The perception of initial effort enters and the end, 15.4% of the individuals had told a reduction of the same one. Conclusion: This procedure is concluded that these individuals had had one high perception of effort for the fact not to possibly be well hidratados previously, therefore, tends diminishes it the subjective perception of effort and to bring the physical benefits and psychological allies to practical its.

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