
SEBASTIAO-FRANCO, B.A. Efficacy assessment of physical exercises protocol based on the Pilates method for the variables lumbar pain, flexibility and muscular strength in a group of nursing porfessionals with chronic idiopathic low back pain. 2010. 183 p. Thesis (Doctorate) University of Sao Paulo Ribeirao Preto Nursing School, Ribeirao Preto, 2010. Researchers from many countries have pointed nursing professionals as a risk group to osteomuscular disorders, with emphasis to lombalgy as one of the factors associated to impairment in the execution of laboral activities. Among the physical exercises indicated in these cases those based on the Pilates method stand out for the capability of activating neuromuscular control mechanisms, effectiveness to relieve pain and improvement of functioning of individuals with non-specific chronic low back pain. The hypothesis tested in the present study is that physical exercises based on the Pilates method are more effectivein the treatment of low back pain when compared to conventional stretching and strengthening exercises. The objetive of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of a physical exercises protocol based on the Pilates method, considering the variables low back pain, cervical spine, trunk and hips flexibility and gluteous strength, to another with conventional stretching and strengthening exercises in a group of nursing professionals with chronic idiopathic low back pain. It is a controlled non-randomized study with quantitative data analysis in which 19 nursing professionals participated (nurses, technicians and auxiliary nurses) from a university hospital in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Data collection was conducted between September 2009 and June 2010 through application of three instruments (preassessment, personal data form and Oswestry questionnaire) and two physical tests (fleximetry and dynamometry). Participants were divided in two groups: a control group (CG), which was submitted to a conventional stretching and strengthening physical exercises protocol, and the Pilates Group (PG), submitted to the physical exercises protocol based on the Pilates method. Data was analyses through softwares Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS), version 15.0 for Windows and statistical Analysis System (SAS), version 9. Physical exercises based on the Pilates Method obtained significant efficacy in the improvement of strength of right and left gluteous maximus (p < 0,01 e p = 0,04, respectively). In an intragroup analysis, CG present a significant improvement of trunk amplitude (Cs= 0,91 p < 0,01), when compared to PG after intervention. Concerning low back pain, both protocols presented clinical improvement. The Pilates method shows superior efficacy in the improvement of gluteous strength when compared to conventional exercises. Conclusion: The Pilates Method presents motivating aspects when compared to conventional exercises, besides particularities, such as number of repetitions, work the body as a whole and principles which sholud be applied during the execution of the method, which determine corporal discipline and consciousness. This could provide a greater adhesion to physical activities offered to nursing professionals during work time.

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