
The canine is diagnosed as impacted when its normal eruption time is significantly exceeded compared to the contralateral canine or the premolars. This case report presents, a female patient 14 years old with bilaterally impacted maxillary canines, retained maxillary deciduous canines, and proclination and spacing of the upper and lower anteriors and peg laterals. The treatment objective was to create a more ideal overjet and overbite relationship, place the impacted canines into position, and improve facial profile. Fixed orthodontic treatment was done with PEA “0.022 × 0.028” ORMCO, MBT prescription. After leveling, aligning, and space closure, extraction of bilaterally retained deciduous canines and autotransplantation of the unfavorably impacted canines were done. To enhance esthetics, composite restoration was done on the peg laterals. The total treatment time was 2 ½ years and the treatment objectives were achieved due to excellent patient cooperation. Facial harmony was good, and proclination and spacing were corrected.

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