
1) In miilet (Panicum miliacum L.), autotetra ploid plants (2n=72) V:ere obtained by soaking the diploid seeds (2n=36) in 0.05 % aqueous, solution of colchicine, and sbme characters of tetraploids and diploids were comparatively studied in the C2 generation. 2) The tetraploid plants were superior to the diplbids in the p.1ait height, Ieaf length, leaf width and stem thickness, while the numbers of tillers and spikelets per panicle were inferior in tetraploids in compari, son to diploids. In tetraploids, the lerlgth of panicle increased in one strain, but decreased in the other (Table 1. Figs. 2 & 4). The heading time delayed by one week in tetraploids than the diplqids.

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