
Left-right (L-R) patterning is essential for proper organ morphogenesis and function. Calcium fluxes in dorsal forerunner cells (DFCs) are known to regulate the formation of Kupffer's vesicle (KV), a central organ for establishing L-R asymmetry in zebrafish. Here, we identify the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) as a regulator of L-R asymmetry in zebrafish embryos. LPA is produced by Autotaxin (Atx), a secreted lysophospholipase D, and triggers various cellular responses through activation of specific G protein-coupled receptors (Lpar1-6). Knockdown of Atx or LPA receptor 3 (Lpar3) by morpholino oligonucleotides perturbed asymmetric gene expression in lateral plate mesoderm and disrupted organ L-R asymmetries, whereas overexpression of lpar3 partially rescued those defects in both atx and lpar3 morphants. Similar defects were observed in embryos treated with the Atx inhibitor HA130 and the Lpar1-3 inhibitor Ki16425. Knockdown of either Atx or Lpar3 impaired calcium fluxes in DFCs during mid-epiboly stage and compromised DFC cohesive migration, KV formation and ciliogenesis. Application of LPA to DFCs rescued the calcium signal and laterality defects in atx morphants. This LPA-dependent L-R asymmetry is mediated via Wnt signaling, as shown by the accumulation of β-catenin in nuclei at the dorsal side of both atx and lpar3 morphants. Our results suggest a major role for the Atx/Lpar3 signaling axis in regulating KV formation, ciliogenesis and L-R asymmetry via a Wnt-dependent pathway.

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