
Autoradiographic study was performed in order to know the distrition of exogenous (14)C-glucose by lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani, incubated in Tyrode medium containing 10 micro Ci/ml of labeled substance. After 1 hour incubation at 37 degrees C, microautoradiographs of this fluke showed that black grains derived from radioactive carbon were accumulated mainly in the parenchyme and subcuticular musculature. The muscular tissues such as oral sucker, pharynx and ventral sucker revaled considerable density of fine grains. Slight radioactivity was also observed in the regions of ovary, testes, vitelline follicles, eggs in uteyrus, intestinal ceca, and even in excretory bladder. Structures showing the least activity included the cuticle and uterine tubules of this fluke.

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