
Autophagy is an intracellular recycling process that maintains cellular homeostasis by orchestrating immunity upon viral infection. Following viral infection, autophagy is often initiated to curtail infection by delivering viral particles for lysosomal degradation and further integrating with innate pattern recognition receptor signaling to induce interferon (IFN)-mediated viral clearance. However, some viruses have evolved anti-autophagy strategies to escape host immunity and to promote viral replication. In this chapter, we illustrate how autophagy prevents viral infection to generate an optimal anti-viral milieu, and then concentrate on how viruses subvert and hijack the autophagic process to evade immunosurveillance, thereby facilitating viral replication and pathogenesis. Understanding the interplays between autophagy and viral infection is anticipated to guide the development of effective anti-viral therapeutics to fight against infectious diseases.

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