
As the concentration of large space debris increases, how rendezvous maneuvers involving these typically non-cooperative, freely tumbling bodies are planned and executed is evolving. The rendezvous must be carefully planned, employing up-to-date in situ data to identify the inertial and motion parameters of the target body, and executed in a manner that accounts for the remaining uncertainty in these parameters. This paper presents an extension of the Tumbling Rendezvous via Autonomous Characterization and Execution (TRACE) pipeline used in the ROAM/TumbleDock Astrobee experiment campaign, which sequences the target state estimation, motion planning, controller design, and maneuver execution tasks while additionally providing logical loop-back avenues to previous tasks, increasing the chances of a successful maneuver. The pipeline’s performance is analyzed in simulation, utilizing target state estimates generated in a previous activity on a dedicated on-ground test bed; online motion planning, based on nonlinear programming and warm-started using a trajectory library generated offline with a novel graphics-processing-unit-based method; and tube-based model predictive control to robustly track the planned trajectory. Tube-based model predictive control is an actively evolving subject, distributed over multiple publications and various research interests. The necessary theory and considerations for practical implementation of the method are consolidated; its use, features, and limitations in the proposed task are demonstrated.

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