
An operable navigation system which demonstrates successful self-calibration and precise local navigation has been developed by EADS Astrium. This paper presents the architecture of the autonomous navigation environment with the ability to calibrate itself as well as the results of field tests. The Self-calibrating autonomous Navigation Environment (SekaN) can be used as stand-alone navigation system for applications where satellite signals are not available or where autonomy and high precision is required. Cargo drop, navigation in canyons and open pit mines, indoor navigation and extraterrestrial navigation are just examples of possible applications. The self-calibrating feature of SekaN is of special interest in conflict areas where a temporary autonomous navigation environment has to be installed quickly and where it is not possible to calibrate the locations of the pseudolites a priori. Furthermore, the system can be operated as augmentation system to classical satellite navigation systems. Therefore a mixed mode has been introduced which allows for simultaneous tracking of both satellite signals and pseudolite signals. Referencing of the local coordinate system to e.g. WGS84 becomes possible. The SekaN system comprises the following HW units developed by EADS Astrium: at least 4 Transceivers (TCs), a Rover receiver (ROV) and a Master Control Station (MCS). A WLAN data link is used between the units. Each TC comprises a GNSS signal generator NSG 5100 which supports both GPS and Galileo signals and an Astriumspecific GPS/PSL receiver. The number of TCs in the network is scalable and dependent on the specific application of the SekaN. Various TC-array sizes are supported as the output power of the pseudolites can be varied in a wide range. The rover receiver positioning takes place at the MCS. However, several receivers may be registered at the MCS. The TCs are operated unsynchronized and differential concepts are applied to eliminate the clock errors. Presently the pulsed signals with pseudolite spreading codes at the GPS L1 and dummy navigation messages are used as navigation signals. As soon as low-cost Galileo receivers are available the system can be switched to any Galileo frequency band. In a batch process the exact locations of the TC TX-antennas are determined without any a priori knowledge of the geometric array configuration. The general idea behind the self-calibration algorithms is based on the solution algorithm for self-calibrating pseudolite arrays presented in (LeMaster and Rock, 2002). However, several modifications were necessary to adapt the algorithms to the SekaN system requirements. The rover which is used for data collection during the self-calibration process is designed as a Receiver-only module instead of a TC module. This makes the rover hardware less complex, smaller and lighter, but also complicates the self-calibration process. Self-differencing between the stationary TCs and the rover TC can no longer be applied. The ranges between the rover RX and the TCs are therefore not directly observable. The selfcalibration and navigation algorithms developed for the SekaN work in both 2-D and 3-D scenarios. Although multipath effects, non-linearities and the near-far-effect are inherent in these kinds of ground-based navigation systems, precise user positioning at the sub-meter level becomes possible even with low-cost receivers within the self-calibrated navigation environment.

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