
A framework for the autonomous management of large-scale ubiquitous sensor networks called SNOWMAN (SeNsOr netWork MANagement) is proposed in this paper. In large-scale ubiquitous sensor networks, a huge number of sensor nodes are deployed over a wide area and long distances and multi-hop communication is required between nodes. So managing numerous ubiquitous sensor nodes directly is very complex and is not efficient. The management of large-scale ubiquitous sensor networks therefore must be autonomic with a minimum of human interference, and robust to changes in network states. The SNOWMAN is responsible for monitoring and controlling ubiquitous sensor networks based on policy-based management paradigm. It allows administrators to simplify and automate the management of ubiquitous sensor networks. It can also reduce the costs of managing sensor nodes and of the communication among them using a new hierarchical clustering algorithm.KeywordsSensor NetworkSensor NodeWireless Sensor NetworkCluster HeadPolicy AgentThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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