
Large scale, duty-cycled, wireless sensor networks provide support for applications ranging from anomaly detection to vehicle tracking. In order meet the requirements of these applications an autonomous configuration and maintenance method that is efficient and effective is required. When selecting a management solution it is important to consider both the direct and indirect costs associated with the different solution. For example, the overhead associated with communication synchronization and scheduling is an example of an indirect cost that can significantly impact the network lifetime. Further, an effective solution needs to recognize that in-network data aggregation and analysis presents significant benefits and should configure the network with a structure that benefits application layer functions. NOA, the proposed network management protocol, utilizes a multi-parent hierarchical logical structure. The multi-parent structure provides application layer functions with significant inherent benefits such as, but not limited to: elimination of the single-parent network divisions, data resolution guarantees when comparisons are performed at data aggregation points, and redundancies for communication as well as in-network data aggregation, analysis and storage.

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