
While driving a vehicle safely at its handling limit is essential in autonomous vehicles in Level 5 autonomy, it is a very challenging task for current conventional methods. Therefore, this study proposes a novel controller of trajectory planning and motion control for autonomous driving through manifold corners at the handling limit to improve the speed and shorten the lap time of the vehicle. The proposed controller innovatively combines the advantages of conventional model-based control algorithm, model-free reinforcement learning algorithm, and prior expert knowledge, to improve the training efficiency for autonomous driving in extreme conditions. The reward shaping of this algorithm refers to the procedure and experience of race training of professional drivers in real time. After training on track maps that exhibit different levels of difficulty, the proposed controller implemented a superior strategy compared to the original reference trajectory, and can to other tougher maps based on the basic driving knowledge learned from the simpler map, which verifies its superiority and extensibility. We believe this technology can be further applied to daily life to expand the application scenarios and maneuvering envelopes of autonomous vehicles.

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