
Automotive industry is progressing forward toward the future, where the role of driver is becoming smaller and leading to become ideally driverless. Designing a fully driverless car (DC) or self-driving car is a most challenging automation project, since we are trying to automate complex processing and decision-making of driving a heavy and fast-moving vehicle in public. There are many scenarios where self-driving cars are not able to perform like human drivers. There are a lot of technical, non-technical, ethical and moral challenges to be addressed. Furthermore, two recent accidents caused by self-driving cars of Uber [1] and Tesla [2] have raised a concern toward the readiness and safety of using these cars. Therefore, it is necessary to address these challenges and issues of DC’s. In this paper, we have surveyed various technical challenges and scenarios where DCs are still facing issues. We have also addressed an issue of blind spots and proposed a systematic solution to tackle the issue. Before self-driving cars go live on road, we have to overcome these challenges and work on technology barriers so that we can make the DCs safe and trustworthy.

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