
The exploration of dangerous environments such as underwater coral reefs and shipwrecks is a difficult and potentially life-threatening task for humans, which naturally makes the use of an autonomous robotic system very appealing. This paper presents such an autonomous system, which is capable of autonomous exploration, and shows its use in a series of experiments to collect image data in challenging underwater marine environments. We present novel contributions on three fronts. First, we present an online topic-modeling-based technique to describe what is being observed using a low-dimensional semantic descriptor. This descriptor attempts to be invariant to observations of different corals belonging to the same species, or observations of similar types of rocks observed from different viewpoints. Second, we use the topic descriptor to compute the surprise score of the current observation. This is done by maintaining an online summary of observations thus far, and then computing the surprise score as the distance of the current observation from the summary in the topic space. Finally, we present a novel control strategy for an underwater robot that allows for intelligent traversal, hovering over surprising observations, and swimming quickly over previously seen corals and rocks.

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