
Let G be a simple algebraic group of adjoint type over the field of complex numbers, B be a Borel subgroup of G containing a maximal torus T of G, w be an element of the Weyl group W and X(w) be the Schubert variety in G/B corresponding to w. Let Z(w; i) be the Bott-Samelson-Demazure-Hansen variety corresponding to a reduced expression i of w. In this article, we compute inductively, the connected component Aut0(Z(w; i)) of the automorphism group of Z(w; i) containing the identity automorphism. We show that Aut0(Z(w; i)) contains a closed subgroup isomorphic to B if and only if w -1(α0) < 0, where α0 is the highest root. If w 0 denotes the longest element of W, then we prove that Aut0(Z(w 0; i)) is a parabolic subgroup of G. It is also shown that this parabolic subgroup depends very much on the chosen reduced expression i of w 0 and we describe all parabolic subgroups of G that occur as Aut0(Z(w 0; i)). If G is simply laced, then we show that for every w ϵ W, and for every reduced expression i of w, Aut0(Z(w; i)) is a quotient of the parabolic subgroup Aut0(Z(w 0; j)) of G for a suitable choice of a reduced expression j of w 0 (see Theorem 7.3).

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