
<h3>To the Editor.—</h3> I would like to call your readers' attention to the effective date of the Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 213, Child Seating Systems, which is April 1, 1971 (<i>Fed Register</i><b>35:</b>14759-14821, 1970). This ruling provides that child seating systems offered for sale have to meet specifications set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Now, for the first time, a physician, who can and should recommend that parents of young children purchase restraining devices, can be assured that these devices will provide effective restraint. However, the safety seats will work<i>only if the instructions are followed</i>; these<i>always</i>include the use of a vehicle seat belt. Prior to this, many so-called child-car seats were not only inadequate, but at times were worse than nothing. The physician should inform parents that they should buy devices labelled as meeting the specifications which take effect April 1, 1971, or

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