
The analysis of modern methods of graphic representation of automatic control systems (AAP) is carried out. The graphical analog of operational management is valuable at the stage of knowledge of the nature and logic of communication between the members of the management, convenient at the stage of control transformation, changing the visual structural transformations, and creates the basis for solving equations with modern methods of machine automatics. For this stage, the following graphing images (SAT) methods were compared: "Method of Functional Schemes", "Structural Image Method", "Method of Structural Schemes".
 The advantages and disadvantages of the method of structural schemes are presented. It is necessary to emphasize that the structural scheme on the basis of typical dynamic units should be considered not as an illustration to the equation describing the SAR, but rather as a very convenient and obvious way of compiling the equations of the system by the equation of individual units. Considerable attention is paid to the use of structural schemes for the image of the system of mechanical links. Detailed ways of connecting mechanical links are presented in detail. The general rule of construction of the structural scheme of the n - mass mechanical system is given.

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