
One of the most important features of any online service is the quality of its customer care. However, with the development of NLP tools, businesses are considering automated chatbot solutions to keep up with the increasing demand for their products and services. In view of this, the chatbot was developed using AIML java interpreter library Program AB which helps match input and output predefined in the AIML file. AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) was used to preprocess and train the bot using ready-made AIML file for FAQ questions. Also, vaadin was used to build a web UI to interact with the trained AIML bot. Finally, a google script was written to translate from any language to English for the bot to understand and send the response in the preferred language of the user. Findings showed that the response time of the bot is dependent of the network, as the design gave a score of 70%, 80%, 90% and 90% for load testing, stability, reliability testing and usability testing, respectively. Also, the bot is compatible with different operating systems, both for forward compatibility and backward compatibility having a score of 95%. The bot was able to answer customer questions, enquiries and complaints and the response time of the bot depends on the strength of the network since it is web based. Hence, the system provided a simple, cheaper, and durable customer financial and payment application service. Since chatbots cannot answer all questions, businesses that decide to implement them should ensure that they have enough protections in place against attacks and that routine requests are standardised to ensure optimal performance.

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