
Automation in the 21st century is a rapidly evolving phenomenon that leverages advanced technologies, artif i cial intelligence, robotics to enhance the func-tioning of our world and simplify daily lives. The fi rst signs of this progress can also be observed in emergency medicine. The use of drones, which has made it possible to deliver equipment more quickly and safely to remote and hard-to-reach areas, has become an invaluable tool in response to crisis situations. The concept of self-service ambulances, capable of checking a patient’s basic vital signs and transporting them to a hospital, holds the promise of revolutionizing fi rst aid. The use of computer technology, particularly artif i cial intelligence, enables rapid and precise analysis of medical data, signif i cantly supporting the process of patient triage and diagnosis process. Robotic assistants for medical personnel not only have the potential to improve the quality of care but also allow for the performance of precise medical procedures, which can be crucial for critically ill patients. The ongoing automation of emergency medicine is undeniable. Modern technologies open up new perspectives in emergency medicine in terms of both the speed and ef f i ciency of interventions and the qual-ity of care provided to patients. However, to fully harness the potential of these solutions, it is necessary to adequately prepare medical personnel, society, and consider the ethical, legal, and moral aspects associated with their application. This paper analyzes the impact of automation on emergency medicine, with a focus on its potential benef i ts, challenges, and threats to both patients and medical personnel.

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