
A software development process describes a structured set of activities or tasks that must performed by software stakeholders during the different phases of software manufacturing. These activities can be divided also into smaller portions at time called increments that are produced in a progressive way. Thereby, every change occurring in one increment performs a new iteration and affects absolutely the other increments that depend on it. These changes may cause a waste in modeling time or re-coding programs and make iterations more complex. The aim of this work is to reduce this complexity and economize the modeling time by applying a model-driven approach to automate the generation of some important increments. Therefore, the proposal presents an approach to semi-automate the generation through a model transformation of one among of the most important increment of the design phase, the sequence diagram of system’s internal behavior using the sequence diagram of system’s external behavior. For this and to trace correctly the interactions in the SDSIB we propose a semantic based on the LARMAN operation contract that integrates new details to better describe system’s states and propose an improved and formal syntax to determine operations and their concerned source and responsible objects.

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