
Stack Overflow is the most popular programming question and answer community that continuously receives a large number of questions every day. To ensure the quality of questions, the community grants privileges for the moderators and a group of experienced users to review the quality of questions and close the low-quality ones (e.g. duplicate or irrelevant questions). The review process is a typical crowdsourcing job that relies on users’ volunteer participation, and the current practices of closing questions in Stack Overflow face two aspects of challenges: (1) an obvious increase in both the absolute number and the percentage of “closed” questions; (2) a considerable decrease in participation willingness of experienced users to close questions. In order to solve the problem, we present a novel model of user willingness for reviewing and voting questions by incorporating four types of user activity history, including questions, answers, comments and votes of closing questions. Then we propose an automatic recommendation method based on the model to assign experienced users proper questions, to utilize the forces of them to close questions. The evaluation shows that the successful recommendation probability in the top 5, top 10, top 20, top 30, top 40, top 50 users are 48.23%, 58.93%, 68.83%, 74.27%, 78.13% and 81%, respectively.

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