
In simple terms, Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Recognition System (AVNPRS) can be described as a computer vision image processing technology. This technology captures images of vehicles and recognizes their number plates. As the world is becoming more sophisticated on each new day, security as well as management of transportation system have become a vital aspect in controlled places. Such places include modern campuses, shopping malls and other institutions. With today’s rate at which motor vehicles are increasing in numbers, there is need for an effective, affordable and efficient AVNPRS. Thus, this project proposes, outlines and discusses an efficient AVNPRS. The system under consideration in this project can be installed at main entrances of modern institutions. This is because the AVNPRS ensures that only authorized vehicles can automatically have access to such institutions. The AVNPRS ensures that it captures the image of the number plate once the input sensor detects the vehicle. The Sobel edge detection and Laplacian edge detection techniques are used at this critical stage. Thereafter, the Bounding box technique is used to find the number plate leading to character segmentation. After capturing, an image undergoes extraction and character investigation via the Optical Character Recognition (OCR). In addition, in achieving character recognition, matching between the computer template and segmented image is done via the OCR method. It is vital to mention that this system is sustainable as it successfully detects, recognizes and processes vehicle number plates on real images. The AVNPRS can be used for both traffic control and security. Therefore, the main aim of this piece of writing is to develop from a theoretical perspective an AVNPR system that can detect and capture vehicle number plate images.

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