
An automatic street light control system is a system that is preferred over normal conventional street lights to save energy efficiently. An automatic street light control system makes use of the advanced automatic technologies to light the road. The main consideration of this system is to find the amount of energy utilized and avoid wastage of electricity when a vehicle passes through the road because 30–40% of energy is being wasted by older street light systems at night. This system will start lighting using high intensity when vehicles or pedestrians pass through on the road, or, on contrary, the lights will be in dim condition. With improvements in technology, it is becoming eco-friendly in this advanced world. The advancement in an automatic technology in street lights is the optimum use of street lights and new techniques to produce much more efficient devices. This advancement in technologies results in overcoming the necessity of human resources. Automation plays a significant role within the world economy and in our day-to-day activities. Our implementation work shows automatic street lights control systems giving beneficial outcomes on which the power is utilized optimally and efficiently. The automatic street light where the microcontroller comes to rescue in giving instructions to street lights when there is an automobile or pedestrian is detected when the IR signals are transmitted to a microcontroller and the microcontroller responds to street lights. Therefore, we could efficiently utilize the power to light the street lamps. The lights will remain dim when there is no detection of automobiles or pedestrians. An automatic street light system uses 8051 Microcontroller AT89S52 to build this system, which performs based on the object detected in roads and performs necessary operations to street lamps whether to switch light ON/OFF.

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