
The objective of this project is to make a controller Based model to count number of persons visiting particular room and accordingly light up the room. Here we can use sensor and can know present number of persons. In today’s world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances. With the increase in standard of living, there is a sense of urgency for developing circuits that would ease the complexity of life. also if at all one wants to know the number of people present in room soaps not to have congestion, this circuit proves to be helpful. This project "automatic room light controller with visitor counter using microcontroller" is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of persons/visitor in the room very accurately. When somebody enters into the room will be switched ON and when anyone. the light in room will be only switched OFF until all the persons in the room go out. The total number of Person inside the room also displayed on the seven segment displays. The microcontroller does the above job. it receives the signals from the sensors, and this signal is operated under the control of software which is stored in rom. Microcontroller AT89S52 continuously monitor the infrared receivers, when any object passed through the IR rays falling on the receivers are obstructed this obstruction is sensed by the microcontroller.

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