
In this paper, we present our work on automatic question detection from the speech signal. We are interested in developing automatic detection system and investigate the portability of such system to a new language. The first goal of this paper is to propose and evaluate a combined approach for automatic question detection where prosodic features are augmented by the use of lexical features. It is shown that both early and late integration of theses features in a decision treebased classifier improves the question detection performance compared to a baseline system using prosodic features only. The second goal of this paper is to conduct a crosslingual (French / Vietnamese) evaluation concerning the use of prosodic features. It is shown that our first system developed for French which uses an initial prosodic feature set can be improved using a new feature set that takes into account some specific prosodic characteristics of the Vietnamese tonal language. Both Vietnamese and French question detection systems obtain Fratio performance around 80% on pre-segmented meeting and dialog utterances.

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