
AbstractIn this modern society due to rapid urbanization and developing technologies, the detection and segregation of plastic play a major role in human life. Currently, this task of segregating the plastic is manual and that requires higher effort in hazardous condition and it is dangerous too in some places (Gopinath et al. in International conference on technological advancements in power and energy, 2017) [1]. Due to the high rate of plastic consumption, it is important to develop a machine that can separate the plastic from normal waste material in regions wherein manual sorting is difficult to be followed and the segregation process should be efficient compared to the primitive techniques (Hussain et al. in 6th International colloquium on signal processing & its applications (CSPA), 2010) [2]. Currently, there are different types of methods implemented to segregate plastic such as manual sorting, post grinding waste sorting, optical waste sorting and floating waste sorting. In this project, a mechanical device is developed which contains a sensing unit that segregates the plastic based on audio wave signals that are produced during the crushing operation of the waste materials. The sensing unit will be pretrained to detect only plastic out of different element such as wood, steel, metal and plastic using machine learning technique. Mel frequency cepstral coefficients are used for plastic segregation, ultimately the proposed design of plastic segregation.KeywordsMachine learningMel frequency cepstral coefficientFeature extractionAudio feature extractionSensor unit servomotorActuation unit

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