
This paper presents automatic tools aimed at the generation and adaptation of unstructured tetrahedral meshes in the context of composite or heterogeneous geometry. These tools are primarily intended for applications in the domain of topology optimization methods but the approach introduced presents great potential in a wider context. Indeed, various fields of application can be foreseen for which meshing heterogeneous geometry is required, such as finite element simulations (in the case of heterogeneous materials and assemblies, for example), animation and visualization (medical imaging, for example). Using B-Rep concepts as well as specific adaptations of advancing front mesh generation algorithms, the mesh generation approach presented guarantees, in a simple and natural way, mesh continuity and conformity across interior boundaries when trying to mesh a composite domain. When applied in the context of topology optimization methods, this approach guarantees that design and non-design sub-domains are meshed so that finite elements are tagged as design and non-design elements and so that continuity and conformity are guaranteed at the interface between design and non-design sub-domains. The paper also presents how mesh transformation and mesh smoothing tools can be successfully used when trying to derive a functional shape from raw topology optimization results.

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